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Founding Mothers of Pi Alpha Gamma


In the fall of 2010, these three young women met in St Thomas University's Vanier Hall Residence. By March of that year, the three had become close friends and pledged to create what would soon become Pi Alpha Gamma Sorority. 

Katelyn Rushton


The oldest of Pi Alpha Gamma's founders came to St. Thomas University from Amherst, Nova Scotia to complete her Bachelor of Arts (Sociology/Psychology). 


During her time as an active member of Pi Alpha Gamma, she authored or co-authored every one of Pi Alpha Gamma's governing documents- from the constitution to our new member education program and our Rituals- and was instrumental in the planning of the sorority's first recruitment periods. Katelyn also created and managed our web presence/ social media. She served as Pi Alpha Gamma's first New Member Educator, Keeper of the Ritual and President. 


Since graduating in 2014, Katelyn has continued to support the sorority by administering the new member education program to Epsilon class, serving as an alumnae advisor for the STU/UNB Greek Council and as a founding member of the Canadian Sorority Council. 

Elizabeth Strange (Thomson)


Elizabeth was born and raised in Medicine Hat, Alberta. She attended St Thomas on the President's scholarship, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts (Women's Studies/ Human Rights).


Elizabeth was Pi Alpha Gamma's first Academic Chair, Recruitment Chair, Sisterhood Chair, and Vice President. In addition to her duties within the sorority, Elizabeth was involved in Vanier Hall's house committe, student politics, and volunteered with the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Center. 


Since graduating in 2014, Elizabeth got married and moved to Wales, United Kingdom where she attended Bangor University and obtained her law degree (July 11th, 2016). 

Valerie Foulem


A New Brunswick native proud of her francophone heritage, Valerie chose to earn her Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) at St Thomas University. Valerie graduated in 2014 with distinction.


Known for her vibrant, cheerful personality and her creativity; Valerie was Pi Alpha Gamma's first Philanthropy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. During university Valerie also volunteered for the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Center and worked for the Autism Center in her hometown during the summers. 


Since graduating in 2014, Valerie has completed St Thomas University's Bachelor of Social Work program. 

Elizabeth Strange

Katelyn Rushton

Valerie Foulem
Winter 2014

© June, 2018 Pi Alpha Gamma Sorority

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